An in-costume theatrical portrayal of the life and legacy of Philip Freneau, "The Poet of the Revolution." For more information, please see this link: Philip Freneau Presentation
Multi-day celebration of the Burrowes Mansion 300th anniversary. Includes a reenactment of the 1778 raid on the Mansion. Please see the schedule of events at this link. The main page for the self-guided walking tour can be found at: .
On the first and third Sunday of each month, Matawan Historical Society Mansion volunteers provide tours of the Burrowes Mansion to the public. Everyone is welcome and the tours are free (although donations to the Society are greatly appreciated). Each tour leads visitors room-to-room while guides discuss the Mansion’s dramatic history, unique architecture, period furniture, […]
Presenter: AMERICAN STONEWARE COLLECTORS, LLC Topic: The Early Potters of Cheesequake and the Middletown Point Area Learn about the early potters and their craft with Stoneware. Expert collectors and dealers of Stoneware from American Stoneware Collectors, Inc. will be talking about these early potters and the production of their work then and today. The presentation […]