Hendrickson House
This Home was owned by Garret D. Hendrickson and then purchased by Aaron Horner for his mother’s use (stated in the 1831 deed for Rebecca Demarest).
This home was later owned by Captain Aaron H. Hopkins. He was a captain of the sloop “Lucy Hopkins” named for his wife Lucy Burlew Hopkins. He ran his sloop up the Hudson to get foundation stones for the house at 113
Main Street. He registered for military duty in 1863 during the Civil War. He lived here until his death in 1871.
The Sickels family were the longest residents. Theodore H. Sickels was a bookkeeper at The Matawan Bank (1918) and an Assistant Cashier afterwards.
Architectural Notes
Built c. 1820 Greek Revival with symmetrical 5 bay elements. Narrow side lights flank door. Porch with classical posts.