A selection of videos from the Matawan Historical Society’s YouTube Channel.
2025: Wason Piano Series with Steven Russell (5 videos)
The Wason piano factory (1913-1916) was one of two piano factories in Matawan. (An earlier company, Antisell Piano, was in business from 1890-1893.)
In January of 1918, the Midway Fire Department purchased a 1914 upright Wason Piano from Matawan Borough. The piano had been given to the town to settle an earlier outstanding water bill. In 1979, that piano was donated to the Matawan Historical Society, and is now located in the Tea Room of the Burrowes Mansion. It sat mostly unplayed for many years.
In 2025, Steven Russell, working with fellow MHS member and professional musician Arlan Feiles, undertook a project to “reawaken” the piano and restore it to playable condition. After many hours of tuning and repair, they were successful. A standing-room only concert was held at the Burrowes Mansion on March 9, 2025. The piano had been brought back to life.
In the five videos below, Steven Russell demonstrates a variety of pieces on the “reawakened” piano. (For more information on the history of the Wason factory, please see this article researched and written by Mark Chidichimo.)